Monday, November 8, 2010

Viewsonic 3DV5 3D Newest Portable HD Camcorder

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Viewsonic 3DV5 latest pocket camcorder is 720p HD video recording with 2.4-inch screen autosterescopic are able to record in 3D. According to the company Viewsonic, there is a button that provides the functionality to switch between 2D and 3D recording mode. These devices can be connected directly to the 3D HDTV (via HDMI) or watch on any screen without 3D glasses. Users can also upload them to YouTube 3D channel.
The device is expected to generate 3D content more because the present 3D content is still deemed less as increased demand for devices that support 3D. Batteries used are Li-Ion type that can be charged via USB. This camcorder can record in MP4 format and has 10MB of internal memory that can be added using the SD Card.
The plan this product can be purchased through authorized resellers in October 2010 was priced approximately 1.2 million dollars.

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